CHEYENNE COUNTY -- In the January 2021 Nebraska Net Taxable Sales report, Cheyenne County showed a 5.7 percent increase from the same time in 2020.

The Nebraska Department of Revenue defines Net as "gross minus refunds."

The data is a reflection of revenue collected by the State of Nebraska. Cheyenne County does not impose a sales tax. Cheyenne County Treasurer Shelly Bowlin said Cheyenne County collects a small fee for collecting automobile taxes for the State.

The Department of Revenue supplies a report breaking down the numbers for each county into categories: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting; Mining; Utilities; Construction; Manufacturing; Wholesale Trade; Retail Trade; Transportation & Warehousing; Information; Real Estate, Rental & Leasing; Professional, Scientific & Technical Services; Administrative, Support, Waste Management & Remediation Services; Health Care & Social Assistance; Arts, Entertainment & Recreation; Accommodation & Food Services; Other Services; Public Information and Unclassified. 

In the 2021 report, net taxable sales were recorded at $9,612,049. The figure is an increase from 2020's figure of $9,105,767, an increase of a little more than $500,000, or 5.6 percent.

Sidney, likewise, saw a growth from $8,938,106 in 2020 to $9,464,140 in 2021, an increase of 5.9 percent. 

The same report shows sales tax in Cheyenne County increased from $500,817.53 to $528,663.10. The report shows the sales tax rate at 5.5 percent. 

Cheyenne County showed a 3.2 percent growth in net taxable sales year-end for 2023, compared to the state overall with a growth of only 1.5 percent. 

Net taxable sales is defined by as "the retail sales generated from the operation of the retail center on the project site that are taxable by the city and/or the county and for which taxes are actually assessed, collected, and remitted to the city and/or county.

The State report does show 468 business units in Cheyenne County.

Garden County decreased by 10.4 percent, and Deuel County by 3.1 percent.

Meanwhile, Nebraska's unemployment dated April 2024 is 2.3 percent. The national rate for the same period is 3.7 percent; The "Real" rate is 7 percent, according to the Joint Economic Committee. The Nebraska 

The annual averages for 2023 reflect that from 2022 all items increased 4.1 percent, energy decreased 5.0 percent, fuel and other utilities increased 2.4 percent, and motor fuel decreased 10.6 percent. 

See Nebraska Department of Revenue data at