Southern Airways is eagerly awaiting the FAA completing the paperwork needed to start flying a different model of plane on the Chadron-Denver route.

      Chief of Commercial Operation Mark Cestari says the plan from the start was to begin service this summer with the Cessna Caravan and upgrade to the Beechcraft KingAir once planes became available.

Cestari says the KingAir is also a 9-passenger plane like the Caravan, but has some clear advantages. 

Another advantage is that the KingAir has a pressurized cabin, allowing it to fly above storms and turbulence. 

      A handful of Chadron residents recently got to experience the KingAir first-hand when Southern took them on what was essentially a get acquainted charter trip to McCook and back.

Cestari doesn’t know how long it will take the FAA to sign off on the paperwork, but hopes it might be as soon as this week.