SIDNEY - The way Sidney residents pay city bills online will change at the end of the month.

City Finance Director Lane Kizzire told City Council members on Tuesday night, they will be switching their online pay service from "Xpress Bill Pay" to "Invoice Cloud" on Feb. 23. Residents who pay bills online will have to enroll on Invoice Cloud through the city's website.

"Really nothing is going to be changing a whole lot from the customer standpoint," Kizzire said. "You can still have the same access to pay online just like you did before, it's just going to a new website."

Kizzire says Invoice Cloud will give more pay options for resident and can still be accessed on the city's website when the transition happens in late February.

"Ease of access is going to be a little easier," Kizzire said. "It's going to have a few more options for customers. If you go and you sign-up for online payment, you will get email and text reminders. You'll be able to pay it on your mobile device."

Residents will still be able to pay city bills with cash and check, but the city will now be able to accept credit card.

"We'll certainly still take paper checks and cash," Kizzire said. "That's going to be an option we're always going to take. Customer deposits for your utilities now can be done with a credit card. Something that couldn't be done before."

Kizzire says the switch to Invoice Cloud will save the city an estimated $10,000 on employee hours, postage and paper. 

The city will send out email reminders about the switch sometime this week. Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact the city offices.