The Western Nebraska Community College Board of Governors is considering a proposal to freeze tuition for Nebraska residents, but raise them for non-residents.

The proposed increase is $7 for those from border states and $15 for all others. 

     Fees for high school students taking dual-credit courses, about 6% of WNCC’s enrollment, would also stay the same – in part because the college will be reimbursed about $300,000 from a special state fund. 

     Meal plans would rise 3% across the board while room rates for a basic 2-person room, as in Pioneer Hall, will stay the same. Suite-style units would generally have a 2% increase. 

     The WNCC board is expected to vote on the proposal next month after additional input from student government and other groups.

      WNCC Director of Finance Lynne Koski says the rate proposal was based on discussions with various stakeholders groups and the current year’s numbers for 5 other other Nebraska community colleges.

     Koski says WNCC has the second-highest resident tuition and fees this year, leading to the recommendation to freeze them, while its non-resident rate is the lowest among the 6 schools.