New city council sworn into office
SIDNEY -- The Sidney City Council members elected in November officially took office on Wednesday, December 13.
The action took place a day later than scheduled because of the blizzard.
First on the agenda was acceptance of the county clerk's certification of the election results. County Clerk Beth Fiegenschuh confirmed Paul Strommen had 1,149 votes, Brandon Bondegard 982, Brad Sherman 904, Marva P. Ellwanger 822, and Tony Jones 498. Jones removed himself from the race before the election, but after the deadline to change the ballot.
Roger Gallaway received 1,365 votes for the two-year seat.
Ron Meyer received 1,539 votes to remain on the Sidney Airport Authority Board.
Fiegenschuh certified 1,100 voters support continuing the 1/2 percent sales tax while 822 votes were filed against the proposal.
The ballots were certified on Nov. 28, 2022.
Following acceptance of the certified election results, the council adjourned sine die. Sine die is where an elected body adjourns without a specific time or return. In the case of the Sidney City Council, the city attorney acts as temporary chairman. The new council is sworn into office and nominations for mayor are sought.
Sherman was elected by the council as the new mayor and Gallaway as the vice-mayor.
Following reorganization of the city council, the council held a public hearing on a liquor license application by Maverik, Inc, and store manager Pamela J. Dillon.
The council's agenda also included approving Tanya Lewis to step in for Chandra Weigle who resigned of the library board, and Steven DeWitt who applied to be on the board.
The council also reviewed engineering bids for replacement of the Waste Water Treatment Facility's influent pump.