WNCC offers program on sign language

SIDNEY -- Western Nebraska Community College is offering a course on communicating with a hearing-impaired person.
Sign Language Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced will be held 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tuesdays February 7 to March 7, March 14 to April 11 and April 11 to May 16. The courses will be held in-person and via Zoom.
This course utilizes a practical approach to teaching vocabulary, grammar and everyday applications of sign language as we as aspects of deaf culture. The course works toward making students familiar with grammatical features of American sign Language and body/facial expressions.
These interactive classes are for beginners and those who are looking to refresh their expressive and receptive sign skills.
To register online, go.wncc.edu/lifelonglearning; or call the Alliance campus at 308-763-2003, Scottsbluff at 308-635-6700 or Sidney at 308-254-7430.