Nebraska issues statewide open fire ban; Sterling, Colo. Fire Department announces Red Flag Warning

PANHANDLE -- Nebraska Gov. issued an executive order banning all open fires. 

The executive order was issued about 2 p.m. Thursday. The Sidney and Potter Fire Departments stated that no fire permits will be issued when the ban expires midnight April 16. At that time, local officials will evaluate conditions.

A Red Flag warning had been issued early Thursday, in effect from 12 p.m. noon to 6 p.m. due to gusty southwest winds and low humidity.

The National Weather Service reports conditions Thursday afternoon as 14 percent humidity, and winds gusting to 23 mph.

The Sidney Fire Department reminds everyone that any fires that develop will likely spread rapidly. Outdoor burning is not recommended. 
A Red Flag Warning means that critical fire weather conditions are either occurring now, or will shortly. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and warm temperatures can contribute to extreme fire behavior.