CHAPPELL - In April 2023, Vistabeam completed the deployment of fiber broadband service in Chappell, Nebraska, making it Vistabeam’s first fiber town. The completion of the project means that roughly 600 locations in Chappell can now enjoy high-speed internet up to 1 Gbps.

The construction took eight months to complete, between September 2022 and April 2023, and approximately $700K was invested in the venture. The completion of the project was one matter, but community awareness was another.

Because of the efforts of Shaunna Mashek, the Chappell Economic Development Director, the latter was done in a timely manner. As a strong advocate for the Chappell community, Mashek’s endeavors helped Vistabeam connect with residents and businesses in the town. As such, Vistabeam presented Shaunna with its Broadband Champion Award.

Chappell residents and businesses can check availability and sign up for fiber broadband at