By Joe Arterburn / For News Channel Nebraska

LEMOYNE - Authorities are searching for a driver of a vehicle they say left the scene of an accident involving a camper trailer at the intersection of Nebraska Highway 92 and North Shore Road at Lake McConaughy on Saturday.

The driver of the vehicle towing a camper that rolled, partially blocking the eastbound lane of the road east of Lemoyne, is accused of leaving the scene before law-enforcement officers arrived. The camper came to a rest on its top, the sides split open with contents and wreckage spilled into the road and a nearby ditch.

Authorities were notified of the accident at 6:59 p.m. and upon their arrival the towing vehicle was not at the scene, nor were the driver or any other occupants of the vehicle. Officers were tracking down ownership of the camper, which bore Nebraska license plates from Buffalo County. 

No injuries have been reported in the single vehicle accident. A description of the driver and vehicle was not released. 

Nebraska Game and Parks Commission Conservation Officers were on the scene to investigate and direct traffic around the wreckage.