Outdoor notes: Be aware of fishing regulation changes for 2024
Anglers need to be aware of fishing regulation changes in Nebraska that take effect Jan. 1, 2024.
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission’s changes to 2024 fishing rules are:
Archery Paddlefish – Archery paddlefish permit holders may harvest paddlefish in the spillway below Gavins Point Dam. The north wall and discharge canal remain closed to archery paddlefish fishing.
Archery Fishing – Only the north wall of the spillway and immediately below the Gavins Point Dam powerhouse downstream to a line extending from the east end of the south cement wall of the discharge canal northwest to the east end of the north wall of the discharge canal will be closed to archery fishing during archery paddlefish season.
Channel Catfish – The statewide bag and length restriction on channel catfish is changed to one fish greater than 30 inches in length.
Yellow Perch – The daily bag limit for yellow perch shall include only five fish 10 inches or longer, of which only one fish may be 12 inches or longer, at Home Valley Lake (Cherry County), Rat and Beaver Wildlife Management Area (Cherry County), Blue Lake (Garden County), Island Lake (Garden County), Smith Lake, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Garden County), Frye Lake WMA (Grant County), and Smith Lake WMA (Sheridan County).
Bluegill – The daily bag limit for bluegill shall include only one fish nine inches or longer at Duck Lake (Cherry County), Pelican Lake (Cherry Lake), Blue Lake (Garden County), Island Lake (Garden County), Smith Lake, FWS (Garden County), Frye Lake WMA (Grant County), and Smith Lake WMA (Sheridan County).
More fishing information can be found in the 2024 Fishing Guide, which will be available in January at OutdoorNebraska.gov and where 2024 fishing permits are sold.
Multispecies lottery permit applications accepted beginning Jan. 2
Applications for multispecies Super Tag and Combo lottery permits will be accepted by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission beginning Jan. 2, 2024.
The Super Tag lottery permit will be valid for one elk of either sex, one antelope of either sex, one deer of either sex and two turkeys (only toms and bearded hens may be taken in the spring). One permit will be authorized for residents only, and one permit will be authorized for residents/nonresidents. People may apply for the residents-only permit once per year for $25. People may apply for the resident/nonresident permit multiple times per year for $10 per application.
The Combo permit will be valid for one antelope of either sex, one deer of either sex and two turkeys (only toms and bearded hens may be taken in the spring). One permit will be authorized for residents only, and one permit will be authorized for nonresidents only. Qualifying persons may apply multiple times per year for $10 per application.
These multispecies lottery permits will be valid in 2024 and 2025 in open seasons with the appropriate weapons. Winners of these permits will require a Habitat Stamp.
Applications will be received beginning at 1 p.m. Central time on Jan. 2. They must be received by Game and Parks by 5 p.m. (11:59 p.m. if applying online) on July 5.
Beginning Jan. 2, visit OutdoorNebraska.gov to apply.