SIDNEY -- The Cheyenne County Commissioners this morning approved keeping commissioner salaries at the same rate through 2028.

The commissioners are compensated $25,992 annually, with the commission chairman an additional $1,200.

Commissioners delay Adams Industries request: more information sought

The commissioners also tabled a request by Adams Industries for the County to apply for additional grants in its behalf.

Josh Watchorn, representing Adams Industries, met with the commissioners regarding additional funding opportunities. Watchorn said the grants would need the county to again act as a pass-through agent.

Commissioner Randy Miller said the concern is the commissioners have already approved the county budget. It can be amended, but Adams Industries would have to submit the specific amount and time line to amend the budget.

It's pretty much a continuation of the last time we submitted some grants, according to Watchorn.

"We identified a few additional ones that we are eligible for, and we want to and we want to follow the same process that we went through last time," he said.

He said Adams Industries has not received feedback from the previous round of grants.

Cheyenne County Commissioner Randy Miller said the commissioners may need more information to proceed on behalf of Adams.

"The biggest problem we going to have, is we have to run them through our budget. And our CBGS budget, I believe we added $3.5 million to that, for the last grants that you were applying for. So, there could be an issue with the amount that the grants are for, and so we have to have a little bit more information from you," Miller said.