SIDNEY -- The Sidney City Council approved moving forward with a street project on Forrest Street between 17th and 21st Avenues.

According to a memo presented by Sidney City Manager David Scott, Forrest Street has been identified through the City's "one and six" street priority list. 

"This project is very similar to what the City did on Elm Street two years ago," Scott said.

He said the work will be financed by the 1/2 cent sales tax approved by voters in November.

The project will include surfacing and work on the water lines. 

Scott said estimated cost of the project is almost $1.5 million and inspection $109,546. 

"This project will be paid for using both the half-cent infrastructure sales tax and highway allocation reserves. The City current has about $1.4 million in the infrastructure allocation reserves for this project," Scott said in his memo to the city council.

He proposes the City use a portion of the street department's current highway allocation funds and revenue from the half-cent sales tax. 

Bids will be reviewed by the engineering firm.