SIDNEY -- Guiding a student from the classroom to adult success is more than homework and sessions with a guidance counselor.

In some cases, it is a club that bridges the gap between academics and the working world, like FCCLA. Sidney High School student Cali Haas explains what it is, and why she is a member.

"FCCLA is a club available to high school students, and in some cases middle school students and college students. In FCCLA you learn leadership skills. I got involved because of my director, Lacey Russell. She is our sponsor and Maria Gillham is also our sponsor," Haas said.

She said FCCLA can help a student explore a specific career of interest. Haas mentioned a student who developed a diet plan. 

FCCLA, Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, is a Career and Technical Student Organization that functions as an integral part of the Family and Consumer Sciences education curriculum and operates within the school system.

Some of the reasons students get involved in FCCLA include:

  • Travel across the United States to attend national conferences and forge friendships with other youth leaders.
  • Participate in Competitive Events—from Fashion Design, Early Childhood Education, Culinary Arts, Entrepreneurship, and Nutrition, there is one to interest you.
  • Develop real world skills that prepare you to be college- and career-ready.
  • Explore various Career Pathways within Family and Consumer Sciences.
  • Apply for one of our many scholarships available to FCCLA members.
  • Develop leadership skills. 

For more information about the Sidney High School FCCLA program, contact Lacey Russel at [email protected], or Maria Gillham at [email protected].