Pickup driver flown by medical helicopter to hospital after being hit by train
SIDNEY - A driver of a Chevrolet pickup was flown by medical helicopter to Regional West Medical Center in Scottsbluff after being hit by a Union Pacific train west of Sidney Saturday morning.
Cheyenne County Sheriff Adam Frerichs says Logan Wamsley was driving the pickup southbound on County Road 101, about two miles west of Sidney, when he pulled in front of an eastbound train at a crossing with no lights or gates at 10:39 a.m.
A witness at the scene said Wamsley was conscious and able to exit the vehicle before being attended to, but was confused on what happened.
A relative of Wamsley told News Channel Nebraska his vitals were good when he was flown from the scene, but did suffer a collapsed lung.
According to the accident report, the train was traveling eastbound at about 50 mph as it approached the crossing at CR 101. The train engineer and conductor reported the pickup slowed as if it was going to stop at the crossing, then entered the crossing. The train crew put the train into "emergency stop mode." The train collided with the pickup on the pickup's passenger side.
NCN was told it's the second train vs. vehicle accident at the intersection of Highway 30 and County Road 101. "Dead End" and "Do Not Enter" road signs are placed at the entrance of the county road before the railroad tracks.
Wamsley has relatives who live on the north side of the tracks. No other occupants were in the vehicle at the time of the accident.