Tuesday, February 6, 2023, was Safer Internet Day. The Nebraska State Patrol Tech Crimes Unit is encouraging parents, guardians, teachers, and children to use this occasion as a reminder to communicate about online safety.

“Most risks that our kids are exposed to have some connection to digital technology,” said Lt. Monty Lovelace, Commander of NSP Tech Crimes. “As such, it’s important to communicate with our kids and train them to use the internet wisely.”

While the internet can be a wealth of positive knowledge, it can also make room for many potential risks. NSP advises all parents to take steps to understand the risks that come with their kids’ online activity.

“There are many parents out there who don’t realize the risk the internet can pose to their kids. Simple ways to keep them safe include utilizing parental control features on all devices, setting clear boundaries, and most importantly, keeping the door open for honest conversations about what your kids are doing online,” said Lt. Lovelace. “The best thing a parent can do is to start the conversation with their kids about how they should use technology.”

NSP encourages all internet users to keep safety in mind as they conduct their online activity. Resources are available at the Safer Internet Day website. Safer Internet Day started in 2004 and has since grown into a worldwide effort.