SIDNEY -- Robert "Rob" Kuhns is seeking a seat on the Sidney City Council.

Kuhns said he feels his history in the community can benefit the city.

"I was born and raised in Sidney. I'll be upfront. I worked for the City of Sidney for 23 years in the water industry part of it. I retired about a year ago, and I've always been involved in community service," Kuhns said March 20.

He said his time working for the City gave him experience that would benefit the city council.

"I feel I have some insight on the city budgets, how things operate. I've been here through the good times and the bad times, actually working with the City through those. So I know where they started, and where we're at with them now, and I think I can bring some good insight to the council," he said.

Kuhns stresses he is not seeking a council seat with a specific agenda.

"I do not have a personal agenda for the council. I just want to see Sidney move forward. And I think I can do that," he said.

Kuhns said his work history is of starting a job at entry level and advancing to management. Most recently, he earned licenses for water and wastewater while working for the City of Sidney.