Analicia Hernandez selected for Girls State

SIDNEY -- The American Legion Post #17 of Sidney is announcing David E. Brauer of Sidney is being sponsored by American Legion Post #17 to the American Legion Cornhusker Boys' State Program.  

David is a member of the junior class of Sidney High School and will join nearly 270 other high school juniors from across Nebraska participating in the American Legion Cornhusker Boys' State Program, June 2-8, at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln Downtown Campus.  

The annual citizenship program, sponsored by the Nebraska American Legion, is designed to provide youths with a better understanding of how city, county and state governments operate.  

American Legion Cornhusker Boys' State is set up as a functional "51st state" and each boy learns how government subdivisions operate by doing the job. Participants will campaign for offices, hold elections, take part in band and chorus, compete in athletics, and be involved in other varied activities as part of the citizenship training program.  

Special lectures and addresses will be delivered by experienced public officials and professional leaders from throughout Nebraska.  

Invitations have been sent to the Governor and Secretary of State offices for special appearances at this year's program. Nationally acclaimed motivational speakers are also scheduled to address the entire group. The American Legion is dedicated to the motto of "Veterans Strengthening America."  

Chartered by Congress in 1919, the American Legion is committed to mentoring youth and sponsoring wholesome community programs, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting a strong national security, and continued devotion to servicemembers and veterans.  

Legionnaires in more than 12,500 posts across the nation and regions overseas serve their communities with a devotion to mutual helpfulness