SIDNEY -- The Cheyenne County Fair Board is hoping to meet with the Cheyenne County Commissioners regarding the Beer Garden map. 

Fair Board member Ryan Filsinger said in addition to the beer garden map, he wanted a board member who would sign the liquor license. The person who signs the liquor license is the first contacted if authorities have any concerns.

"Basically, if anything happens, they come to you. If there is a concern, they go to the license holder first," Filsinger said.

The board also talked about the extent of its liability with liquor consumption. The Fair Board's license is only for the area mapped in the application. 

The decision was tabled until the board can meet with County Attorney Paul Schaub.

The board also reviewed a proposal of ticket give-aways in exchange for ads. The proposal was made by a North Platte radio broadcasting company, according to board member Ryan Filsinger. The questions before the board Jun 10 were if the board wanted to trade tickets for more ads, and to what events.

"If we do want to do that, then what tickets to we want to consider giving away and how many?" Filsinger asked the board members.

He suggested the concerts would be worth ticket giveaways; people will travel 120 miles to see a concert. Rodeos are more common among county fairs.

"I don't know about the Rubber Check Race, the derby and the rodeo if it's worth trying to give those away," Filsinger said.

Board member Zach Oliverius said board could possibly include rodeo tickets as well. 

The board also discussed how many to offer, and if they should designate one ticket or a pair per give-away; if one is offered, it is likely a second ticket will be purchased. The board also discussed promoting the Fair through Spotify, Pandora and Snapchat. The question in the discussion is what format is used by the younger generation. Board member Mark Roelle said the focus needs to be a format used by ages 35 and younger.

The board also discussed the Rubber Check Race event and if the board should seek outside management of the event.