(Front row, left to right: Steve Mattoon, Renee Kaylor Hamstra, Tom Biggs, Gary Krueger, Eddie Geiger. Seated second row: Gary Stein, Loren Rood, Dale Foland, Sandra Chryst Applegate, Pamala Hahler, Janelle Glassburn Harbaugh, Shree Evans Metcalf, Barbara Gilgren Bauer, LaRhonda Nietz Minich, Dave Happold, Kathleen Grant. Standing third row: Dean Walmsley, Nancy Josten O'Connell, Mike Kennedy, Karen Wieser Kennedy, Nancy Meier, Beth Edwards, Sandy Spearow White, Ruth Schmidt Wimmer, Lucy Bergner, Rochelle Wolven Jenks, John Jenks. Fourth row: Steve Bruce, Jerry Weber, Jacque Worster Borges, Lester Steffens, Jim Copley, Lynette Pederson Joines, Greg Merrick, Roger Abrams, Larry Lingwall, Keith Nienhueser, and Mike Sutton.)

Submitted by Jim Copley

SIDNEY -- The Sidney High School and St. Patrick’s Academy class of 1969 held their 55-year reunion the weekend of August 9th in Sidney. The SHS class was 142 strong, the largest class in Sidney High School History, and St. Pat’s had 13 graduates that year. Forty of our classmates and their guests attended.

Friday night activities included supper at Boss City Brewing Co. Saturday, alumni of North Elementary School visited their alma mater for a tour led by Sidney School District Superintendent Andrew Farber. Saturday evening dinner and Sunday breakfast were held at the Sidney Elks Lodge.

Classmates shared old memories and made great new ones. Some mentioned they had not seen one another for 55 years! A memorial table with photographs and flowers remembering 45 of our classmates who have passed was prepared.

 For our classmates who could not attend, the reunion was not the same without you. Planning for our 60-year reunion to be held in 2029 has already begun. Hope to see everyone again then!