SIDNEY -- The building sits almost obscure between the history of North Sidney and the commerce of downtown.

It is seldom used now. It's design cannot produce the amount of electricity a 21st century economy needs.

Sidney Utility Service Worker Jeff Thompson offered a tour of the former electricity production plant. He has in or near the plant for more than 30 years.

Thompson explained how the machinery was moved into the building, sometimes requiring taking out part of a wall. The preciseness of lubrication is much of the process is also critical.

He said the City used to provide steam to buildings on what is now the parking lot east of the power plant.

One asset the power plant continues to maintain is the strength of the structure. Should there be a need for a storm or fallout shelter, Thompson said the building continues to have the strength to withstand most threats severe storms. A survivor will likely come out a little dusty, but a good chance of surviving. 

Sidney's electric generation plant at 11th and Hickory has not consistently generated electricity since 2013, Thompson said.