Osborn hosts 'meet 'n greet' at Sidney coffee shop
SIDNEY -- Dan Osborn is campaigning is independence, neither Republican nor Democrat. He is also campaigning support for the common worker.
"Before you today, I'm asking for a job to represent you in federal government. This is the longest job interview maybe in the history of job interviews. Traditionally, in my world, when you get hired, you have a job interview every year, a yearly review where you sit with your manager and they tell you what you did good and what you could do better. In politics, that would be called a town hall," Osborn said.
His platform includes a secure border, standing up for law enforcement and guaranteeing a right to repair farm equipment, cars and electronic devices.
Osborn stopped in Sidney this morning prior to a stop in Scottsbluff.
He said his campaign is deliberately unique.
"We're being different. We're not taking any corporate money. We've raised over $10 million, which is insane to even say out loud. My average donation still remains $40. So this campaign truly is powered by the people the way the framers of our Constitution intended it to be, government for and by the people. I think that's what this campaign represents," he said at Beans and Steams Coffee House this morning.
He also addressed a question about student loan forgiveness, school choice and the border. He said he supports a secure border, adding he believes most people support immigration. The problem is uncontrolled immigration. On student loan forgiveness, he said he does not favor all loans being forgiven, only critical occupations.