SIDNEY -- Nathan Dankers spent his high school years like many students; trying to plan the next step.

"I knew that I didn't want a desk job, but that was about it. I was working at a church camp and I heard the words missionary and pilot put together. I thought 'Wow! That would be super neat!' I mean that kind of captured my imagination. I could do something that has a huge demand, huge need and have a highly technical skill, and serve the Lord using that," Dankers said.

He also saw the opportunity to fly in some of the most challenging geographies in the world. He found Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) and liked what they do and how they do it. Dankers started flight training when he was still in high school, then moved to Sidney to get his aviation maintenance license at Western Nebraska Community College.

"In order to be a missionary pilot, you also have to be a mechanic. We flying in areas that ... if the plane breaks down, you're kind of on your own. You need to at least be able to say 'Ok, this is what's broken, here's the tools I need, and here's the parts I need, and you have to have someone fly it out," he said.

He will soon be joining the MAF organization in the field.

"I'm getting ready to serve with an organization called Mission Aviation Fellowship out in Indonesia. Mission Aviation Fellowship is a Christian organization, and what we do is we fly in some of the most remote and isolated parts of the world ultimately so the people there can hear the gospel of Christ and be changed by the love of Christ," Dankers said.

He said there are places where the distance between towns might be 10-15 miles but the geography is so rough it takes days to walk. 

"What MAF does is we are able to build airstrips in those areas and be based in those larger cities to where we can take only a five or 10-minute flight and fly over the impassable terrain," he said.

To get there, he needs support. As many missionaries, he has to raise his own support. He is seeking prayer and financial support. He needs $7,700 monthly in addition to a one-time $48,000 investment that covers moving to Indonesia and training costs. Anyone who would like to support Dankers can contact him at, or his email is [email protected].