KIMBALL -- Kimball County Transportation Service (KCTS) wants to keep a safe part of the past for the current and future generation.

KCTS attended the March 18 meeting seeking support for a summer program. 

Carl Stander, representing KCTS at the Kimball City Council meeting March 18, shared comment he heard about Kimball in 2024: "There's nothing for our kids to do in Kimball." It is a value he strongly takes issue with.

"I respectfully disagree with that statement. I think there's a lot of things to do in Kimball," Stander said.

He listed a variety of summer youth sports activities, as well as the library and frisbee golf and basketball.

What's missing is a reliable and safe way to move from one side of Kimball to the other. Stander shared with the Council memories of when teens and children could walk to the park, school activities, the swimming pool, small town recreation, with a reasonable sense of safety. 

KCTS is offering an option. Stander said nearly half of the riders are 18 and younger. KCTS wants to offer a transportation service in Kimball focused on youth and community activities. Stander and Christy Warner asked the Kimball City Council to partner with KCTS for $10,000 to provide rides for the summer.

The board expressed support for the summer program, but admitted concern how to budget the request. The proposal was tabled until the April 15 meeting. The April 1 council meeting is canceled due to the Sentinel Project town hall meeting at 6 p.m. April 1 at Kimball High School.