City takes possession of Church of Christ property

Plans to clear property for future use
KIMBALL -- The Kimball City Council agreed to remediate the Church of Christ property.
The decision was made in the March 18 city council meeting.
According to council minutes, the City purchased the property in an auction. Prior to voting on cleaning the property, Mayor John Morrison said there is no asbestos in the building. According to council discussion, it is believed there are no utilities servicing the building; however, utility companies will be contacted to survey the property before work begins.
The Kimball Loan Advisory Board approved a 15 percent forgiveness for Farm Bureau Financial Services – Shavone Singleton.
“This is part of every loan agreement we make that if they make all their payments on time, and that when it comes to the end, they can have this 15 percent,” said Mayor John Morrison.
City Clerk Paula Tarango said the 15 percent forgiveness is written into the Kimball LB840 plan.
The City Council also ratified changes to the Kimball Volunteer Fire Department, adding one and removing two.