Scottsbluff – United Way of Western Nebraska is making Easter a little brighter for families in our community.

With the generous support of Target in Scottsbluff and through its Easter Basket Fundraiser, United Way is giving supporters the opportunity to purchase festive baskets while also providing more than 200 Easter baskets to children in need.

“This initiative is a wonderful way to both support local families and children while also contributing to United Way’s goal of providing resources for area nonprofits,” said Karen Benzel, United Way of Western Nebraska Executive Director.

 Community members can participate in the fundraiser in two ways: Online Purchase: through April 4, visit to browse and purchase Easter baskets; or by in-person purchase: Stop by one of the United Way offices to view available baskets and take one home the same day: · 723 Flack, Alliance or · 1517 Broadway, Suite 106, Scottsbluff.

All baskets purchased online will be available for pickup at our Alliance or Scottsbluff offices, with a final pick-up deadline of Wednesday, April 16.

In addition to the 40 baskets available for purchase, United Way is partnering with local organizations to distribute over 200 Easter baskets valued at more than $4,000 to children throughout its service area. This includes children in Alliance, Chadron, Gering, Gordon, Scottsbluff, Sidney and other towns in the United Way of Western Nebraska service area.

"We are grateful for Scottsbluff Target’s support in making this possible,” Benzel said. “This effort is not only bringing joy to local children but also supports the work United Way does year-round.”

For more information about the fundraiser or to get involved, contact: Jessie Lopez – United Way Campaign & Community Impact Coordinator at 308-635-2522 or


United Way of Western Nebraska is a nonprofit organization that unites people and resources to build a stronger, healthier and more compassionate community. Supporting 23 local nonprofit agencies in the areas of youth opportunity, healthy community, community resiliency and financial security and reinvesting in Western Nebraska since their inception in 1945. For more information, visit