SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. -- A Scottsbluff man was arrested for drug charges after being the passenger in a traffic stop.

Officers reportedly pulled-over a truck for having a break light out. The driver of the vehicle had a recent narcotic violation case from earlier in the month, police said.

According to the arrest affidavit, Alejandro Lozoya was in the back seat of the vehicle and officers were familiar with him from prior encounters. The pair told officers they were headed to Essential Fuels.

Officers then reportedly instructed Lozoya to exit the vehicle. According to the police, Lozoya kept his hands in his shorts pockets and reportedly refused to allow officers to pat him down. 

The arrest affidavit states that Lozoya claimed he had nothing illegal on him. When deputies arrived they reportedly noticed bulging items form Lozoya’s pockets. Deputies said they instructed Lozoya to place his hands on the bumper of the patrol car. According to police, Lozoya refused to comply with instructions. Deputies reportedly planned to detain and handcuff Lozoya when he advised that he had something on him.

According to arrest affidavit, deputies then found a glass pipe with meth residue, a plastic bag with white residue in Lozoya's sock, and 3 grams of meth in a baggy in the backseat where Lozoya was sitting. 

Lozoya was arrested and charged with possession of controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.