BANNER COUNTY -- After over 10 years in office, the Banner County Treasurer has resigned after being found guilty of public indecency.

Monty Stoddard said he has officially submitted his letter of resignation.

“I’m just trying to do what’s best for the county,” Stoddard said.

In December 2021, Stoddard was accused of sexual acts and drinking alcohol at the Banner County Courthouse. Stoddard pleaded no contest and was found guilty of public indecency. Stoddard served 10 days of jail time and was fined $950.

On Friday, Stoddard said he had already submitted his letter of resignation as the Banner County Treasurer.

“My family and I have decided that while I love my job, I am moving on,” Stoddard said.

Stoddard has been the Banner County Treasurer since January 2011.

“I’ve done everything they have asked me to, and they still want more,” Stoddard said.

Stoddard said “they” is in reference to the people who have been attending meetings and court proceedings and “more” is in reference to his resignation.

“I try to do the right thing but it’s never enough for people who have apparently never made a mistake in their life,” Stoddard said.

Stoddard said he is not sure what job he will do next, but he does plan on staying in the area.

“They got what they want," Stoddard said. "I resigned."