Bovee Fire over halfway contained, impacted area now almost 19,000 acres

HALSEY, Neb. -- The human made fire is still under investigation, and is now over 50 percent contained.
The Bovee Fire that started Sunday, now stands at 18,932 acres and is 56 percent contained.
Officials on the scene said that Tuesday's continued cool and moist weather allowed firefighters to make additional progress on completing containment lines.
Authorities said that over the next few days, work on the fire will shift from fireline construction to line reinforcement.
Structure protection forces will remain in place to complete damage assessments and finish hazard mitigation around structures within the fire area, said officials.
It was also reported the night shift will continue patrolling to ensure structures and firelines are secure.
On Wednesday, the NENBF said authorities continue with the Divisions they had on Tuesday.