Amazon investing in 'last-mile' facility in Logan County, Colorado

STERLING, Co. -- Amazon is developing a facility in the Sage Point area west of Sterling.
The effort is about two-years in the making, according to Logan County Economic Development Director Trae Miller.
"I first got involved with the site selection team in the summer of '23 when they began to evaluate options in the market," Miller said.
He said he has worked closely with the Amazon representatives to ensure they had what they needed to consider location, build vs. purchase.
"It's a multi-million dollar capital investment in the community," he said.
The new facility includes local staff positions, Miller said.
"They are hiring, I believe, job count to be somewhere around 30. I know that they hired for 15 overnight warehouse workers, and they filled those positions in that last couple of weeks," he said.
Miller said Amazon coming to Northeast Colorado is a good asset to Sterling and Logan County.
"It's always good any time a company brings investment in jobs. I think it's a positive," he said.
Miller said Amazon has not told him of a time-line of when the facility will be online.
The facility will be part of Amazon's "last-mile" approach.
According to, Last-mile delivery describes the final portion of the delivery process that gets an order to its ultimate destination, often a consumer’s front door. The last mile is the most challenging part of the eCommerce process for vendors.