'Scrub Camp' offers view into medicine

SRMC collaborates with WNCC, Nebraska Dept. of Labor, Nebraska Panhandle Area Health Education Center
SIDNEY -- Sidney Regional Medical Center held an event this week designed to introduce high school students, and adults, to the fascination of medicine and health care.
The two-day event, Scrub Camp 2023, introduced participants to the many careers available under the umbrella of healthcare and medicine. Sessions were held on a wide range of topics from radiology to maintenance, acute care, clinic and OB to emergency services.
"I think Scrub Camp, we have an opportunity in our area. Being rural doesn't mean we don't have lots and lots of opportunities. We just have to do a better job of getting out of our box, and figuring out what some of those new ways are. If COVID has taught us anything, it's we're not going back to normal. We've got to find new normals," said Evie Blackburn, Director of Public Relations, Sidney Regional Medical Center.
She said the intent of Scrub Camp is to explain all of the opportunities within healthcare. Scrub Camp offered 20 different presentations; 20 different fields for students to experience.
"So many times, we're talking about nurses and doctors, and there's so many other players in healthcare that it takes to make healthcare happen," Blackburn said.
One of the students at Scrub Camp saw the experience as a way to fine-tune her goals.
"I moved to Sidney from Denver and I just wanted to see what's available in the medical field here," said Brianna Worek.
She learned in the camp she has an interest in lab work.
Collin Lechman said he learned there are many opportunities in healthcare.
"I guess I've always been interested in the medical field. But I'm not sure what I would want, what path I would take. So I guess this camp has really been helpful in showing a lot of those areas of expertise that you could go into," he said.