Outdoor notes: ‘RV There Yet?’ features Fort Robinson SP, Wildcat Hills SRA

They’re back in Nebraska exploring more state parks!
Join hosts Patrice and Kevin McCabe as they return to Nebraska to explore Fort Robinson State Park and Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area in the state’s Panhandle during the third season of “RV There Yet?”
The McCabes travel in their motorhome to destinations throughout the United States. The show highlights special places for their culture and history and chats with local business owners who keep their communities thriving. Plus, they check out America's natural treasures.
At Fort Robinson, the McCabes went on a sunset hike, took a guided Jeep ride to top of the Cheyenne Buttes, went trout fishing, attended a rodeo and visited both the park’s museums.
“The history of the land there is so sacred and so interesting and goes back so many different chapters,” Patrice said. “I think I could spend quite a bit of time there learning more about it and exploring it.”
At Wildcat Hills, the McCabes interviewed an outdoor education specialist before shooting air rifles and archery.
“I’d never been to that part of the state,” said Patrice, a Lincoln native. “I was completely blown away. Every part of it was gorgeous.”
The Nebraska episode will air at 7:30 a.m. Central time April 27 on the Discovery Channel and Discovery+. The Season 3 series opens April 6 and runs for 13 episodes. Shows also will be available on YouTube, Roku and Amazon Video. Catch the McCabe’s kick-off to the season at 4 p.m. April 4 during a Live Season 3 preview on their YouTube and Facebook channels.
Nebraska also was featured in the show’s second season, when the McCabes visited Niobrara State Park, Smith Falls State Park and the Cowboy Trail. They spent time at Chadron State Park in the show’s first season.
“The reason why we keep coming back to Nebraska is because every time we do an episode, nobody thinks this is what Nebraska looks like,” Patrice said. “We love surprising people.”
Explore Nebraska’s parks featured in the show at OutdoorNebraska.gov. For more on the series, visit rvthereyettv.com.
Learn about outdoor recreation grant opportunities opening in May
Municipalities and other organizations interested in learning about 2024 outdoor recreation grant opportunities administered by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission are invited to a virtual webinar on April 15.
Join the webinar at 11 a.m. Central time to learn about the Land and Water Conservation Fund and the Recreational Trails Program. Participants will be given an overview of the grant programs as well as tips on applying.
The Land and Water Conservation Fund is for outdoor recreation projects such as swimming pools, picnicking facilities, sports fields, playgrounds, pool renovations, splash pads, park acquisitions and development, wildlife viewing facilities, fishing access, adventure spots (such as ziplines and rock-climbing) and park-related support facilities.
The Recreational Trails Program is for motorized or non-motorized trails, covering acquisition, development, maintenance, and trail-related support facilities.
Eligible applicants include villages, cities, public power districts and Natural Resource Districts. Both programs are reimbursable grants and vary in the percentage of match (50%-80%) and the maximum funding ($250,000-$600,000).
For more information on the grant programs and to register for the webinar, visit OutdoorNebraska.gov and search for RTP or LWCF.