Keep Keith County Beautiful hosting 'Great American Cleanup®' April 20

OGALLALA -- Keep Keith County Beautiful® (KKCB) recently announced its 2024 Great American Cleanup®, the annual spring-cleaning event in which 300,000 Americans are expected to take part in activities to pick up litter and green their communities between now and the first day of summer.
During last year’s event, Keep America Beautiful volunteers picked up more than 10 million pounds of litter and debris from streets and public spaces across the United States, while improving nearly 800,000 acres of parks, playgrounds, and trails — the equivalent of Yosemite National Park. Through the initiative, more than 6,000 trees were planted along with 65,000 plants, flowers, and shrubs.
“Thanks to our amazing volunteers, we set a cleanup record in 2023, and we’re aiming to break that record in 2024,” said Keep America Beautiful President and CEO Jennifer Lawson. Keep Keith County Beautiful will be holding a series of events to enable our volunteers and beach crew members to give back to the community and show the pride we have in Keith County.
The first event will be held 8 am to 11 am. Saturday April 20, at Western Resources Group, located at 3305 W. H St in Ogallala.
KKCB provide electronic recycling, paper shredding and electronic recycling. The Shred truck will be available from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. KKCB will also hold a community cleanup on Saturday May 11, 2024, at the I-80 interchange. You can meet at the Howdy Booth near Casey’s on the Northwest corner of the Highway. Buckets, pickers, vests and bags will be provided.
“Our community loves the Great American Cleanup and has made it our biggest event of the year with many small groups and public cleanups planned.” Said Chris Vail, Executive Director of Keep Keith County Beautiful. “The GAC is a yearly commitment of organization and our community to get ready for the summer season by freshening up the public areas.”
Those interested in taking part in the Great American Cleanup should visit our Facebook page where they can sign up for events sponsored by us.