State Journalism hosted at Northeast Community College
Northeast Community College is hosting State Journalism on Monday and Tuesday.
Monday, April 22nd 2024, 12:14 PM MDT
NORFOLK, Neb. -- Northeast Community College is hosting State Journalism on Monday and Tuesday. Students will be able to compete in a variety of categories ranging from print to broadcasting.
Students will be asked to compete in a room with other students for a timed competition depending on their category. Blair student Ruby Gutzmann said the nerves can get to you.
"It's an awesome time to come just to be with other students who love journalism," said Blair High School Advisor Kelli Westphal.
"I don't know, I get really nervous but I get to do what I love," Gutzmann said. "It's exciting!"
Monday's competition will be for Class B and C. Class A will be on Tuesday. You must be a part of a school with a journalism program to qualify.