KIMBALL -- The Kimball Police Department and EMS crew participated in an active shooter training months after they signed a mutual aid agreement. 

Since the two organizations signed an agreement on May 1, they have had multiple training sessions together. This was the first one to this magnitude that brought in outside help like volunteer actors and the Scottsbluff County CERT. 

The training took place at the Evangelical Free Church where the teams participated in six scenarios for different types of events involving an active shooter that they may encounter. 

The exercise was crucial in preparing the officers for real-life scenarios and ensuring the safety of the community. It also allowed the paramedics to have a new experience with a rapid training scenario. 

“We train for the unthinkable, so that way we are prepared for it if it does happen,” said Chief of Police Jose Ruiz. “We are not immune or exempt from anything to happen, so that’s why having the proper equipment to do our job effectively is also important.” 

The mutual aid agreement will allow Kimball PD to integrate EMS medics into their response team. 

Normally, medical personnel need to wait until the scene is safe, but those who are part of the response team can go in while it’s considered a hot zone to start helping victims. 

The EMS medics will also respond to high-risk arrests or high-risk search warrants since there is more of a possibility for someone being injured like a suspect or police officer. 

Ruiz said, “The more training we have, the more effective we can be as emergency responders, and the more we train together, the safer we can keep the community.”