SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. — Firefighters quickly extinguished a garage fire Thursday afternoon on Scottsbluff's northside.

The Scottsbluff Fire Department responded to the blaze around 1:30 p.m. in the 3600 block of Spruce Drive, after a neighbor reported the fire. Officers with the Scottsbluff Police Department also arrived on the scene and discovered three dogs alone inside the home. The pets were unharmed.

Fire Prevention Officer Chris Perales Jr. said strong winds posed a challenge for firefighters, but the quick actions of the reporting neighbor allowed crews to contain the fire to the garage.

Investigators determined the fire was accidental, caused by ashes from a wood-burning stove that had been disposed of in a trash can outside the garage.

“This is a great reminder that before disposing of ashes, you want to ensure they are cooled down and we even encourage you to douse the ashes with water,” Perales added.

The fire caused approximately $15,000 in damage. No injuries were reported, and the family declined assistance, indicating they had no immediate needs.

The Gering Fire Department, Scotts Bluff County Sheriff’s Office, Regional West EMS, Nebraska Public Power District and Black Hills Energy all assisted with the response.

KNOP-TV contributed to this report.