CHADRON, Neb. -- A new Chadron State College club, Familia, is designed to welcome native Spanish speakers as well as those at all levels of learning the language. Officers of the club are Sheila Renteria Salgado, President, Creighton Harrington, Vice President, Alexis Kramer, Treasurer, and Alec Langan, Campus Activity Board Representative.

Staff adviser and Student Activities Coordinator Taylor Osmotherly said the group is open to CSC students and employees, as well as community members. The group resumed meeting in August after gathering informally several times in 2021.

Osmotherly, who lived in South America for almost a year and continues to travel to Latin America to see his friends, said the atmosphere is casual.

“I hope that people can have a good time, feel welcomed, and use Spanish along the way. I hope that native and advanced speakers can feel good using a language and that more novice learners can try speaking and learning without judgment. You can learn a lot from formal classes, but I learned a lot of my Spanish by just being around it, being corrected by others, and asking lots of questions,” Osmotherly said.

Salgado, a native Spanish speaker, said she hopes the club will be a fun option for people to learn a new language, as well as offer an opportunity for native speakers to have a place to come and speak in their first language.

“Spanish was my first language growing up as it was what was spoken at home. It means a lot to me as it makes me feel connected to my heritage and family who speak only Spanish. I hope that those who join learn a bit of Spanish, but also just have fun with the group and gain an understanding of a culture other than their own,” Renteria Salgado said.

She said they plan to play games and other activities for engagement and a fun environment.

“We also want to have times when we serve food to have the group taste the different cuisine. We also are looking into having a trip funded for educational purposes,” she said.

Harrington took two years of Spanish in high school and wanted to learn more.

“Last summer I studied abroad in Spain and took a summer’s worth of Spanish classes. I also lived with a family who only spoke Spanish,” Harrington said. “I hope my fellow students and club members gain an appreciation for the Spanish culture and language. I also hope fellow CSC students gain an understanding and appreciation for other cultures and diversity at CSC.”

While studying abroad, Harrington joined language learning groups called intercambios. She and others met once a week for two hours speaking only Spanish the first hour and speaking English or another language the second hour.

Kramer also took two years of Spanish in high school, all her school offered.

“I really loved learning Spanish, and I am excited to continue to grow my skills. I hope by having Familia on campus, we are able to form a community of people that want to come together to speak Spanish and learn more about the language,” Kramer said.

The meetings, or reuniones, alternate between Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings to accommodate various schedules. Email to receive meeting invitations. The club meets in the IDEA Space in the basement of the King Library.

Upcoming Meetings: Oct. 27 at 5 p.m.; Nov. 1 at 11a.m.; Nov. 10 at 5 p.m.; Nov. 15 at 11 a.m.; Dec. 1 at 5 p.m.; Dec. 6 at 11 a.m.