SIDNEY -- The Sidney School District Board of Education approved changes to the high school's graduation requirements Monday.

In the prior policy, seniors needed to complete 40 credit hours of Language Arts, 35 hours of Social Studies, 30 hours of Science, 30 hours Mathematics, 10 hours of Physical Science, 5 hours of Business Education and 110 hours of Career Pathways and Elective Coursework for a 260 credit hour graduation requirement.

 The graduation requirements were modified to 105 credit hours in Career Pathways and Elective Coursework, and 5 credit hours in computer science. The core requirements remain the same and the total required credit hours stays at 260.

The board also approved the 2023-2024 school calendar. Superintendent Jay Ehler noted next year's calendar includes an addition of 1.5 student days, adding 10.5 hours to the year. The time will be gained by changing dismissal times on Fridays by 10 minutes, Ehler said.

At Central Elementary School, Kindergarten will dismiss at 12:30 p.m. and Pre-kindergarten at 12 p.m.; South Elementary will dismiss at 12:40 p.m., North Elementary 12:55 p.m., West Elementary 1:05 p.m. and Sidney Middle and High Schools at 1:15 p.m. 

Ehler added that the District is implementing "remote learning" occasionally. Remote learning is when a day out is expected and students are expected to check in with teachers to do work at home.