Nebraska Public Power District proposes new line for Scottsbluff substations
SCOTTSBLUFF, Neb. (KNEP) - The Nebraska Public Power District is proposing a new line to connect its Scottsbluff substation to the Victory Hill Substation.
On Tuesday, the NPPD held an open house to discuss a new line that would connect its Scottsbluff substation to the Victory Hill substation off of Lake Minatare Road. The proposed line would be 115 kV and would be located along the western side of Scottsbluff.
“Adding that second line between those two substations, what that does is again it improves reliability and resilience of the ability to circle electric load in the area, so as the electric load continues to grow and as Scottsbluff continues to grow in the amount of again electricity in the area using grows this line will help serve that power reliably,” NPPD Media Relations Specialist Grant Otten said.
Currently, there is a 30-day open comment period to allow people to give input on the proposed line. After the comment period ends, the NPPD will announce the final route and start the meeting with land owners who will be affected by the route.
If people wish to learn more about the route and take a virtual open house more information can be found here.