Proceeds benefit Beckett Block family

LODGEPOLE -- The Sidney Elks Lodge will be hosting Bingo Night at the Lodgepole Community Center.

The event is scheduled for 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. March 22.

Proceeds from the night support the Block family. Beckett Block, 2, is battling stage 4 cancer. 

This is the second event the Elks Lodge has supported for the Block family. The Beckett Tough fundraiser was held at the Sidney Elks Lodge with organizers estimating at least 300 people were in attendance. 

At the High Plains Pheasants Forever Banquet at the Cheyenne County Fairgrounds, the Simplot Grower Solutions table was the highest bidder to go eat dinner first. Their bid of $2,200 also went to the Block family. 

Donations are still being taken as Beckett is in recovery. Beckett Tough t-shirts are available  through Shirt Tales in Sidney. Proceeds from the shirt sales go directly to the family.