Teen boy suspected in theft, vandalism advised of rights
SIDNEY -- A 13-year-old Sidney boy appeared in court by video conference Thursday, January 4, in connection with incidents involving vandalism and burglary.
His name is not being publicized because he is under the age of 18.
The teen appeared before Hon. Judge Aaron Conn of Chadron. David Wilson served as special prosecutor; The Cheyenne County Attorney's office recused itself due to potential conflict with the cases and one of the staff.
The teen was present with his mother, attorney and foster guardian by video conference. His father was present in the courtroom.
Judge Conn reviewed the nine complaints against the teen. Complaints include: Class II Misdemeanor, maliciously cause loss in an amount of more than $500 and less than $1,000 to a vehicle window between November 5 and November 13, 2023; a Class IIA Felony forcibly break and enter real estate with intent to commit a felony or with intent to steal property of value (Sidney Power Plant) between November 22 and November 27; Class IV felony cause loss of more than $5,000, property at the Sidney Power Plant between November 22 and November 27; Class IV Felony willfully and maliciously damage, injure or destroy or attempt to damage, injure or destroy any machine, appliance, facility or apparatus owned by a public power supplier between November 22 and November 27; Class I Misdemeanor caused loss in an amount of more than $1,500 by less than $5,000 to bathrooms at Legion Park on or about November 22; Class II felony used a knife or other deadly weapon, other than a firearm, to commit a felony between November 24 and December 2; Class IIA felony entered real estate with intent to steal property of value; Class IV Felony damaged tires in a privately-owned building between November 24 and December 2; and a Class II Misdemeanor theft valued at less than $500 from a privately-owned building.
The teen was advised of his rights. Judge Conn also said if he is found guilty of a felony it may bar the teen from purchasing a firearm until he reaches the age of 25. The teen was advised to attend school an resume counseling. A pretrial conference is scheduled for January 30.
Two more juveniles will be facing complaints Friday afternoon.