Pine Bluffs Fall Festival coming this weekend

PINE BLUFFS -- The Pine Bluffs Recreation is bringing family-fun activities to the community this weekend to celebrate fall.
The annual Fall Festival will be Oct. 19 from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Pine Bluffs Community Center (708 Lawson St.).
The festival started a few years ago with the free Touch-a-truck-and-tractor event and has grown since.
Businesses are invited to participate by displaying their emergency responder's vehicles, utility trucks, construction trucks, tractors of all shapes and sizes, and any equipment that is used in and around the community.
The Pine Bluffs Recreation Department also asks that the business provide personnel to showcase your vehicle and to make sure that your equipment is not damaged or misused in any way.
People are also welcome to bring their campers for older kids to enjoy exploring.
“This unique and interactive Saturday event allows children of all ages to see, touch and explore their favorite big trucks, tractors and vehicles as well as the opportunity to meet the personnel who protect, serve, build, farm or truck in and around the Pine Bluffs Community,” Fornstrom said.
The first 125 kids who are 12 and under to attend will receive a free pumpkin.
The festival will include other activities including: A pumpkin patch, hayride, petting zoo, face painting, food vendor, free raffle, and fall photo-op stop.
The special EMS helicopter event at 11:30 a.m. may be canceled if the weather is not conducive to helicopter flying.
The EMS crew will fly their helicopter in to land at the empty lot to the east of the community center and everyone lines up to look inside.
“It’s a fun little event that the kids really enjoy seeing,” Fornstrom said.
The local law enforcement agencies will also bring in their working dogs for a demonstration at 1 p.m. including a search and rescue dog, drug dogs and attack dogs.
“The festival is a fun activity for the community and surrounding areas that people can come and enjoy each other and enjoy the fall weather and change in season,” Fornstrom said. “Kids also love fall, then this works up to our Truck-or-Treat event.”